Boy Scouts of America
Troop 88
Located in
If you are interest about joining Troop 88, click HERE, but read the background info first.
This page serves the purpose of informing people about what Troop 88 is about. Troop 88 holds meetings, almost every Monday night, at the United Methodist Church. Meetings are from 7:00 to 8:30. The only time that we don't have a meeting is on the fourth Monday of a month, a national holiday, or for other reasons that the scoutmaster(s) can't make it to the meetings.
When a new scout joins the troop, he must get a Boy Scout Handbook. The handbook is used to supply the scout with information on rank advancements, and also as a place to store merit badge records. A new edition of the Boy Scout Handbook was just published, and is now available at the Gateway Area Council Office located at 2600 Quarry Road, LaCrosse, WI 54601.
Some Requirements to join Troop 88
be 11 or have completed the 5th grade or have earned the arrow of light
Also when a scout joins, he should also get a Boy Scout uniform. The uniform may be used when the scout is competing in a patrol completion, and this may affect the outcome of the awards. The uniform also provides a place for the scout to place patches that the scout earns.
Troop 88 raises money to help pay for the campouts or other day events that they go on. The money raised is put into the Troop 88 fund, and the troop will use the money for other activities other than campouts. Troop 88 also requires that each scout to bring a dollar to each meeting. This money goes into the scout fund to also help pay for the troop activities.
Troop 88 will go on campouts throughout the year. When the scout goes on a campout, he should bring his sleeping bag, handbook, clothes to wear, and some snacks if he chooses to. Sometimes the scout is asked to bring his uniform to the campout, too.
When Troop 88 goes on campouts, some items are not allowed. These items are:
kind of firearms
kind of tobacco
illegal drugs
for some campouts, no electronics
I hope that this page has provided some enlightenment to the Boy Scouts of America.