Klondike '00
(JAN 22)

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awardceremonyk00.jpg (31971 bytes) Here we see Lon (the guy in the middle with the red pants on) and some of the other Troops during the award ceremony.  Troop 88 fared quite well in the competitions throughout the day.  We took 2nd for the knowledge part of the competition, 3rd on our sled that we made, 1st on the sled race, and we took 1st overall.
In this picture, we see the fire starting/water melting competition.  Here the troop is standing in front of the fire that we had just melted the water on.  From left to right in the front row: Evan, Steve, Mike, and Kyle P.  In the back row: SM Terry, Jack, and Kyle.
Now, we see Jack (on the left) standing around with Steve (on the right), taking a break in the early morning after the shelter building competition.
scoutgatheringk00.jpg (54223 bytes) This is a picture of one of the activities that took place while the Scout Masters totaled up the points.  Here the younger scouts are being flung on a saucer.
seld200.jpg (28500 bytes) In this picture we are able to see the Troop's creation of a sled.  The troop threw this sled together for last year's Klondike.
Here we see the shelter that the troop had to make for another competition.  Although it wasn't the best, it still got us 4 points.
<-- This is the best sled.  This sled was the sled that Jack, Kyle, and Steve manned to victory.  But before the race we see Evan pulling the sled with Kyle P. riding on the back of it.
sleddingscoutsk00.jpg (29547 bytes) Here is a close-up of some of the kids being flung around on the saucer.
Now we are able to see the Scout Master Terry, and Kyle P.'s dad.  Terry had been able to avoid the camera for most of the day, but we finally caught him on film.
During the preparedness part of the competition, we see (clockwise from top left) Terry, Steve, Mike, and Jack inspecting the sled looking for what we had packed.

Scores from competitions through out the day:

Competition Score
Shelter 6 / 10
Scavenger hunt for food 76 / Infinite
First Aid Knowledge 8 / 10
Fire Starting/Water Melting 6 / 10
Ice Rescue 6 / 10
Preparedness for Winter 23 / Infinite
TOTAL= 125 (2nd Place)


Sled Judging 18 points (3rd)


Sled Race 20 points (1st)


Overall 163 points (1st)