(Oct. 15 -17)

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Picture of Troop at Camporee Here is a picture of the Troop members that were at the Fall Camporee.  From left to right is Ryan, Mike H., Jack, Mike D., Terry (SM), and in the front is Joe.  Not pictured are Dave (ASM) and Kyle (who is taking the picture).
Scouts in Canoe Here a few of the Troop is just starting it's trip down the Kickapoo River.  These scouts still have 2 hours of canoeing ahead of them.
Scoutmaster/Mike Here we see the Scoutmaster Terry and Mike taking a break and posing for a picture.
Mike/Jack As we neared the end of our canoeing journey, Mike and I decided to take a break and "join" canoes to take a break.  I figured that this would be an opportune time to take another picture.  Here we can see Mike and part of Jack canoeing after an hour and a half of canoeing.
banked Now we can see that Mike has run into trouble again.  Here he is stuck on the shore, so I took a quick picture of his misery and canoed past.
Backwards Now we see Dave and Ryan canoeing, but something doesn't seem to be right.  Somehow Dave and Ryan turned the canoe around and started to go down the river backwards.
Campsite This is just a shot of part of our campsite.